Hearables are on the brink of making us all top polyglots

Last week I was grasping for the right

words to explain to my local ferretería owner what I needed for a DIY project. He doesn't speak English and my Spanish knowledge doesn't stretch to "long-handled mole grips". I found myself wishing for a Star Trek-style universal translator. In 2018, I might just get one.
The hearables market has been steadily growing for years, with devices such as the Dash by Bragi, Here One and, most recently, Apple AirPods offering wireless headphones that can also monitor biometrics, filter out unwanted noise and help you interact with your phone. In the US, this smouldering market could ignite next year, due to new legislation allowing anyone to sell hearing assistance devices directly to consumers, without the onerous regulations that treated them as medical devices.

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