Travellers still keen to experience a truly authentic Naadam

Travellers still keen to experience a truly authentic Naadam Festival will not be

disappointed though. They simply need to know where to look. In the weeks leading up to the headline event in the country’s capital, Ulaanbaatar (UB), several of the smaller surrounding provinces host what locals refer to as “Mini Naadam.” In the absence of bright stadium lights, admission prices and national media coverage, these grassroots events truly capture the Mongol spirit.  They are hard to find, but impossible to forget. Often tucked between towering mountains and rolling expanses of green hillsides, they can easily missed. But when you find one—well, you’ll know.
Last year I spent three weeks in Mongolia, and I was lucky enough to experience two “Mini Nadaams.” One was in the province of Ikh Tamir and the other was in the Tuwshruuleh region. Even though I’d arrived to Mongolia most excited about the headline Nadaam competition in UB later in the week, it was at these two events that I developed a true understanding of this remarkable festival.

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