Life beyond technology

Blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI),

and the Internet of Things are creating new opportunities to overhaul business models and even change whole societies. Why not Malta? Clearly, technology is expected to continue to disrupt the way we live, work and play and EY’s recently held Annual Attractiveness Event sought to provide answers to age old questions.
Over 800 public and private stakeholders gathered under one roof to discuss Malta’s future, and the significant impact technology is having on our varied industries. Keynote speakers Paul Brody (EY Global Blockchain Leader) and Keith Strier (EY’s Global Tech and Digital Leader, Americas AI Leader) challenged our little island to become the first country to implement Blockchain and machine learning, and become a world leader in the transition from owned gasoline cars to shared electric cars. With driverless cars expected to take off in the near future we need to start planning and effectively ‘think without the box.’

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