Moms Everyday LIVE on Monday Episode 46: New technology may help detect breast cancer earlier

"With the combination of this technology and the

better treatments we have, overall yes, I would expect breast cancer survival rates to improve," he said.
The prognosis for Ward is very good. She is thankful for the early detection and the faith of her friends.
"I've always realized the importance of prayer, but I have had so many people lifting me up in prayer, and I have had such a peace about this whole journey that I have been on," Ward said.
What if a traditional mammogram is the only tool available to you or what your doctor recommends? Dr. Bumberry said any and all mammograms can help detect cancer. As for the cost, Dr. Bumberry said it may cost $50 to $75 additionally out-of-pocket.
Be sure to check out this very special 'Mom Monday' conversation with Dr. Bumberry and Sharon Davis at the Cancer Resource Center by clicking the video box below or by visiting
The 3-D mammograms are also available at other facilities including Cox.

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