Volvo XC60 review: ‘The safest car on the planet’

The signs over the M8 which run between

Glasgow and Edinburgh are never blank. When they aren’t providing information about delays and pile-ups, they offer little reminders to drivers, like “Allow motorbikes to pass safely”; “Leave more space on wet roads” and “Fasten seat belts” (though that last one should be a given really, especially at 70mph on a wet motorway with a motorbike behind you). But I think they are missing a trick. Why not use the gantries to spread more life-affirming messages? How about “You can’t score unless you shoot” or “Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors” or “Phone your mum!”
The Volvo XC60 that was whisking me along the M8 knows all about helpful guidance. This is the second generation of the midsize crossover which was easily Volvo’s bestselling car.Not only was it Volvo’s bestseller, it was also the bestselling car of its type in Europe. As such it was already one of the most risk-averse and safety concerned cars in the Volvo line-up. The new XC60 is now equipped with added helping-hand systems, which mean it’s a sure bet that this is the safest car on the road anywhere on the planet. Among the battery of fortifications on offer, the one making headlines is “Steer Assist”, a technologically advanced safety aid that automatically applies steering to avoid a potential collision. The XC60 is the first Volvo to offer it.

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