New Technologies Are Coming to Trucking, and Truckers Are Nowhere Near Ready

According to CarrierLists, only 45 percent of the

2,300 fleets surveyed are compliant or in the process of complying with the ELD law. This means that with about a month to go, over half of truckers have not even begun to install ELDs. Some truckers are protesting the requirement and threatening strikes, saying the devices will limit driving time, cut their earnings, and cause overcrowding at truck stops.

This battle, however, is almost quixotic. ELDs are nothing—a minor technological encumbrance at most. Meanwhile, truckers are staring down the barrel of a gun, in the form of self-driving trucks. When the ELD requirements were laid out two years ago, self-driving trucks seemed much further off than they do now (see “10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017: Self-Driving Trucks”). Now this law just serves to highlight how vulnerable truckers are to the coming change. Humans limited to 11 hours on the road simply will not be able to compete with vehicles that can operate close to 24 hours a day.

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