New technology helps students with autism

There are 57 kids with different forms of autism

in the district. Three robots are in their classrooms.

"Milo is specifically designed by speech pathologists for the skills. So, the curriculum itself lends itself to the skills that kids with autism often struggle with and can help them pick up on social cues and improve their focus."

Teachers say their kids are fascinated by it.

"As entertaining as I think I am, there's something about Milo that's engaging."

While some may just see a robot, many kids with autism see a friend in Milo.

"He can show you happy and show you upset and the kids can see the way they're feeling in a robot and not just a person and sometimes they connect better to toys and technology than they do with adults at this point."

Unlike humans, he never gets tired or frustrated. Milo can record and collect data on each student to track his or her progress with video lessons.

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