Waves Platform Launches New Technology, Aims To Become Faster

Waves has launched its bid to become a

faster decentralized Blockchain platform, as the company has commenced the public stress test for its Waves-NG technology on Nov. 8, 2017.
The new technology is aimed at expanding the effective bandwidth and speed of block creation which can benefit the businesses utilizing the Waves platform. The Waves-NG technology is claimed to enable the platform to effectively tackle high loads like the distribution of tokens following crowdsales and airdrops of bonus tokens. It is also supposed to increase the speed of processing trading transactions on the Waves decentralized exchange (DEX).
According to Cornell University’s Co-Director of the Initiative for Cryptocurrencies and Contracts, Emin Gün Sirer, Waves has adopted the cutting edge of Blockchain protocols for on-chain scaling with the implementation of Waves-NG.

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