Jameson Created a Google Home Skill That Spits Out Awesome Irish Toasts and Cocktail Recipes

“In terms of voice activation, we’ve all

seen the rise of this and we know that this sort of technology isn’t going away any time soon, but rather is going to continue to grow and get smarter. We just believe it’s critical to be on the ground floor with this type of technology, so we can begin testing and learning,”said Cheryl Cavanaugh, senior brand manager, Jameson at Pernod Ricard. “What we actually found was, luckily, we were able to leverage that robotic nature and really play with it and have a lot of fun with it.”
The project helps you create Jameson-inspired cocktails from your own kitchen or living room. Google Home will either provide a step by step guide to make the cocktail, or it will send an email of the recipe so consumers can create the beverage on their own time.

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