Retail Is Investing in New Technology So That It Doesn't Die

"Whether you start from pure-play

online first and add stores or you start from stores and add the online piece, right now private markets are valuing the former much higher than the latter," she said. "I believe that's because of the mindset of the former-they're very consumer-first driven, they're very data-driven, and all about meeting her or him about how they shop."
The shift in consumer retail behavior means that same-store sales may not be the go-to metric for retailers over the next decade, she predicted. "You've almost got to take the customer journey from awareness to purchase to re-engagement and say, along that customer experience, as long as I keep her and keep her profitable wherever she buys, it doesn't matter." But once retailers embrace the need for digital investment, Burrows added, they want to move quickly and benchmark themselves against their competitors.

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