Yes, the CVS/Aetna Merger Will Transform Healthcare Technology—Eventually

In comments regarding the two

companies’ upcoming merger, Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini said it will cause “a dramatic change” to services and stores and create a healthcare platform that’s “easy to use and less expensive for users.” Part of this, he has emphasized, will involve new technologies. Telemedicine, remote monitors, personal health aids and many more advances will allow consumers to streamline their relationship with their own care. This isn’t necessarily an unrealistic vision; indeed, it’s one shared by many experts in both medicine and tech.
It is not, however, one which patients should expect to be realized any time soon. It will happen inevitably, yes. Consumer-facing technology is becoming a dominant narrative in the healthcare sector, especially among millennials. For the 36-and-under generation, an increasing majority say they expect providers to connect with them with digital care options that range from help finding a doctor to direct telemedicine solutions. The new CVS/Aetna corporation will be under enormous pressure to deliver eventually, but the short-term impact of the merger will be felt behind the scenes.

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