You Are Worth Less than Elon Musk, but Are You Worthless? Why We Need to Change the Way We Value Humans

One vision of the future says that there will

be no jobs, and if we're lucky Elon Musk will give favor to us mere mortals and we'll join him on his spaceship to Mars.
Of course, there is a possibility that Elon can't save us, and the world ends up looking more like Mad Max: Fury Road.
A second vision of the future says that this wave of automation is no different than prior periods of technological advancement. Yes, some jobs will be destroyed, but in the long run most of the people who want to find work will be able to do so, and the workers displaced by automation will find employment doing different jobs. In fact, these workers are lucky, because in theory the new jobs will be better than the old ones.
These future visions are comforting--even the Mad Max version. They are comforting because they operate under the premise that either we are all doomed, or none of us are doomed. If we are all doomed, we'll be forced to figure out solutions. Everyone will have a vested interest in creating a society that works for everyone. If none of us are doomed, well...none of us are doomed.

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